The registration regulations and cancellation policy appear in the registration page

The race regulations are according to the ITU regulations except for the following changes and additions:

Every person who meets all the following requirements may participate:

  1. Year of birth meets the age requirements as explained in the General Info page
  2. Has completed his registration (including payment) prior to the registration end date
  3. Has handed the organizers (during the preset declared dates) a health permit signed by a doctor and a signed personal accident insurance policy that covers sports events and races. Click here for more information
  4. Has signed a fitness declaration and removal of responsibility, during the registration check-in. 

Failure to meet the cutoff times will call for an immediate disqualification and termination of participation (the participant will join the organizers’ vehicle and will be transported directly to the finish line).

  • Swim CHALLENGE ISRAMAN 226 cutoff time – 2:20 hours from last CHALLENGE ISRAMAN 226 swim start 08:54
  • Cycling CHALLENGE ISRAMAN 226 start cutoff time – 2:25 hours from last CHALLENGE ISRAMAN 226 start 08:59
  • Swim CHALLENGE ISRAMAN 113 cutoff time – 1:10 from last CHALLENGE ISRAMAN 113 start 09:25
  • Cycling CHALLENGE ISRAMAN 113 star cutoff time – 1:15 from last CHALLENGE ISRAMAN 113 start 09:30
  • Cycling North turn – 16:00
  • Cycling last aid station (22 Km to end of Cycling) 16:30
  • Cycling finish – 17:20
  • Run start – 17:30
  • Beginning of last run lap – 16 hours from last CHALLENGE ISRAMAN 226 start 22:34
  • Running cutoff time – 17 hours from last CHALLENGE ISRAMAN 226 start 23:34

Failure to meet the cutoff times will cause an immediate disqualification and termination of participation.

  • The chip must be worn on the ankle throughout the entire race.
  • It is mandatory to pass upon all the timing surfaces along the course.
  • The bike, helmet and T2 bag must be deposited in the transition area on Thursday, the day before the race, during the designated hours. Equipment will not be permitted to be deposited on race day morning.
  • Entering the transition area will be permitted only to those presenting their participant bracelet (provided during the check-in).
  • The bike number, provided during the check-in, must be attached to the bike in such a way that is visible on both sides of the bike frame, or on its left side if otherwise not possible. It is not permitted to fold or change the number’s size.
  • The participant’s number sticker, provided during the check-in, must be attached to the front of the helmet.
  • Without passing the bike and helmet safety check successfully at the entrance to the transition area, depositing equipment will not be permitted.
  • Once the equipment is deposited, it cannot be removed from the transition area.
  • A specific area will be designated for each participant’s bike. A bike that will be found not in its designated place will be removed by the organizers.
  • Entering the transition area to check on the equipment will be permitted on the morning of the race, during the designated hours only.
  • Entering and exiting the transition area with the bike be will be permitted only to those presenting their race bib number.
  • We believe that honesty, decency and sportive behavior are the motivating spirits of the CHALLENGE ISRAMAN participants. However, in order to allow fair-game to all, during the race, official referees will be patrolling the race course.
  • Marshals, policemen and ushers’ instructions must be abided.
  • A marshal is permitted, on his own discretion, to warn out-loud, stop a participant and order him to return to correct himself, pull out a blue warning card or a red disqualification card.
  • Appealing a referee’s decision or another contester’s conduct during the race can be presented within 2 hours of the completion of the race. 200 NIS must be enclosed with the petition, which will be refunded only if the appeal is accepted. The appeal committee members will be disclosed in the race website.
  • Any escort or assistance in an undesignated area will call for an immediate disqualification.
  • It is not permitted to race with earphones.
    • A swim cap, handed out by the organizers, must be worn. Each wave will receive a different color cap.
    • Race favorites will have a different color swimming cap and will start in front of the start line. For pro wave criteria see here.
    • The use of wetsuits is permitted.
    • It is not permitted to enter the swim course prior to the race start. There will be a designated area in the water where the swimmers may use to warm up in.
    • It is not permitted to swim with the race number.
    • It is forbidden to run along the coast or use any other shortcut in the swim course.
    • It is mandatory to circle around each of the buoys, as will be explained in the race briefing.
    • It is mandatory to pass upon the timing surface at each exit from the water.

•It is prohibited to leave equipment or clothing outside of T1, including running shoes on the beach.

•All replacement equipment and clothing, except for the bike and cycling shoes (only if attached to the pedals), must be stored in the T1 bag. After completing the transition and before removing the bike from the rack, all swimming gear must be stored in the T1 bag. Any gear left scattered will not be returned.

•Assistance in the transition area is permitted only by the official Challenge Israman team.

  • Cycling must be according to the traffic rules and with caution.
  • The participant’s bib number must be attached on the back while cycling. It is forbidden to fold or change the size of the number.
  • While cycling, it is mandatory to stay on the right hand side in order to allow the other competitors to pass safely.
  • Passing another competitor is permitted only on the left of another cyclist, and once the passing ends, the cyclist doing the passing must return to the right.
  • Drafting is strictly forbidden. A gap of 12 meters must be kept from the front wheel of cyclist at the front. The passing of another cyclist must be completed within 20 seconds, while keeping a 3 meter side gap when possible.
  • The cyclist being passed-by must allow the passing-by to be completed and leave the draft zone within 5 seconds  before trying to pass back.
  • It is strictly forbidden to cross the middle section of the road, regardless if it is marked with a broken line or even if there is no line at all.
  • It is forbidden to receive equipment, food or technical assistance from any person who is not a competitor or is not part of the official CHALLENGE ISRAMAN team.
  • A competitor who receives a blue card during the cycling segment (drafting violation) is required to enter the penalty box located at T2 for 5 minutes for each blue card. (A third blue card results in disqualification.) Failure to enter the penalty box will result in immediate disqualification without the possibility of appeal. Blue card penalties cannot be appealed.

  • A competitor who receives a yellow card during the cycling segment must enter the penalty box for 1 minute per yellow card. Failure to enter the penalty box will result in disqualification, but this can be appealed. If the appeal is accepted, the disqualification will be revoked. If the appeal is denied, the competitor will remain disqualified. Penalties cannot be appealed once the competitor has entered the penalty box.

  • At the end of the cycling section, the bike will be taken by the CHALLENGE ISRAMAN team and transported back to T1.
  • Any equipment and clothing that will be changed, including cycling shoes and helmet, should be left inside the T2 bag. Equipment and clothing left outside the bag will not be returned to the owner.
  • Assistance at the transition area is permitted only by the official CHALLENGE ISRAMAN team.
  • Caution must be taken while running and attention must be given to cars and obstacles along the way.
  • While running, the participant’s number must be attached to the front. It is forbidden to fold or change the size of the number.
  • It is mandatory to run on the designated side of the road, on the sidewalk. In areas where a sidewalk is missing, it is mandatory to run close to the road margins or on a dirt path, according to the signs. Running in the center of the road or crossing a road at a non-designated place will result in an immediate disqualification.
  • It is permitted to receive assistance (food and equipment) from non-members of the official CHALLENGE ISRAMAN team at a distance of 20 meters from the Meridian aid station only.
  • It is permitted to escort a participant only in the last 200 meters of the run if it doesn’t interrupt other participants. The escort start point will be marked and specified in the race briefing.
  • Each participant that has completed the race within the time limits and without being disqualified will receive a ‘Finisher’ medal.
  • The bike, T1 and T2 bags must be collected from the transition area no later than 24:00.
  • In order to take the bike out of the transition area, the race bib number must be presented upon exit.